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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 4

In science this week, we made periscopes! This helped us to embed the understanding that light travels in straight lines. Therefore, in order to see through a periscope, we need to make the light change directions using mirrors.

As part of our maths revision this week, we did some orienteering to help us practise our arithmetic skills.

SATS ARE OVER! A huge congratulations to our lovely year 6 class, who have completed their tests this week. They came across some incredibly challenging work, but they worked their way through with an awe-inspiring, can-do attitude. Mrs Cooper and Miss Lewis couldn't be prouder!

With the horrible rain this week, we had PE indoors playing sit-down volleyball. It was great fun and we've already asked Mrs Cooper when we can play again next!
