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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 3 Photo Gallery

Week beginning 4th January. This week we have experiences our first week of working from home.  We have learnt about what Muslims use when they pray, we have discovered where Australasia is and thought up some interesting things we would like to find out about that part of the world.  We have been learning about nouns and verbs and made our own Avatars on Purple Mash.  We also made sure we kept active by doing exercise at home or going out and getting some fresh air.
Week beginning 11th January.  This week we have been retelling the story of Perky the Pukeko by Michelle Osment and learning to use money in our maths lessons.  We have learnt about the weather in Australia and made our own weather forecasts.  We also made our own Aboriginal style drawings of Australian animals.  Can you tell which animals we drew?  In ICT we learnt how to use Paint and drew some beautiful pictures.
Week beginning 18th January.  This week we have been learning about money and started looking at subtracting on a number line and regrouping in maths.  For English we read the story of Sidney the Spider, and learnt some new words.  We have been learning about Australian's bush fires.  In art we recreated Uluru (or Ayres Rock).
Week beginning 25th January.  This week we explored the story of Sidney some more.  We made a fact file about Sidney, following this up with fact files on other garden creatures and Australasian animals.  In RE we thought about the reasons that people might go to Church, and in RHE we looked at the special people in our lives.  We were learning to solve word problems in maths.
Week beginning 1st February.  This week in RE we learnt about baptism, looking at photos of our own baptisms and discussing this with our families, before recreating a baptism.  In geography, we learnt about different landmarks in Australasia.  We focussed on number bonds in maths and in our English lessons we looked at the story of Sayeeda the Pirate Princess, creating a friend for Sayeeda.  We carried on working on our papier mache rainmakers by adding layers for texture and learnt our numbers to 10 in French.  In science, we learnt about amphibians and reptiles.  Finally, as it was Mental Health week this week, we took some time to do some relaxing drawing.