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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 1

In music, we began our three week unit on African Drumming. We loved exploring the sounds of the djembes today.

In Science, we carried out an investigation all about paper flowers. We were amazed when the closed petals started to open when it was put in the water. After the demonstration, our key question was: how can you make the petals open the quickest? We made our predictions, planned our investigations, recorded results on a table and took stopwatch readings. We had a range of paper with a range of flower designs and we had to find a the paper/design combination where the petals opened the quickest.

In history, we created a timeline that showed us where the Ancient Greek period comes in relation to the past history units we have studied. Once our timeline was placed, we tested its accuracy by answering some true and false statements using the timeline to help us.

In computing, we started our unit on spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. We spent today just getting our bearings with the formatting tools and understanding some of the basic vocabulary that we will need later on this term e.g. cells, rows, columns, formula bar etc.

In maths this week, we reviewed our equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages facts and tried to embed them by playing games and solving different challenges.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025