Admission to Reception Class 2025
Primary school applications open: Tuesday 5 November 2024
For children starting school in September 2025 applications for reception will open on 5 November 2024 and close on 15 January 2025.
You can apply for up to 3 schools.
Put the schools in order of preference.
It’s in your best interest to list 3 schools.
Naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place at that school or give your child priority for a place over another child.
You are not able to name the same school more than once.
Applications are processed between 16 January and 15 April 2025.
For further information concerning Admissions, please visit Kent County Council.
Primary Admissions: 03000 41 21 21
Please click on the link below to access Kent Admission for guidance on how to apply for a primary school place.
Please read the Admissions Policy and Procedure which can be found on the school’s website. Please click here.
Please also ensure that you have read the school’s Privacy Notice, which can be found on the school’s website. Please click here.
Please return this Supplementary Information Form to the Admissions Officer at the school (not Kent County Council). For Year R entry in September 2025 please return this form to the school no later than 15 January 2025 in order that we may rank your application.
If applicable you must send a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate and/or Other Faith Reference, to the Admissions Officer at the school along with this completed form.
Please note failure to submit a completed Supplementary Information form when applying for a Catholic school place may result in your application not being placed in the correct category and could result in you not receiving an offer of a place.
Children born between 1 April and 31 August are sometimes referred to as summer born children. They have the same right to defer entry as any other child. This means they must start school at the beginning of the April term if they wish to keep their offer. Where parents wish for their summer born child to defer entry until the start of Year 1, they must refuse their offered place, which may be offered to a different child, and then reapply through the In Year process during the last month of reception year.
For your child to start reception year in the following September, a full year after they were first entitled to start, you will need agreement from the admissions authority of the school. This is because a new application for a later admissions round would be needed for your child to be considered for a place to be taught outside of their age group and with a younger group of children. The admissions authority will make its decision taking into account the school admissions code and the advice of the headteacher.
To request admission to reception year outside of the normal age group, you should contact the Headteacher of each preferred school as early as possible during the application period for that child's date of birth. This will allow the school and admissions authority enough time to make a decision before the closing date.
You are not expected to provide evidence to support your request to defer your application, but where provided, it must be specific to the child in question. This might include medical or Educational Psychologist reports. There is no legal requirement for this medical or educational evidence to be secured from an appropriate professional, but failure to provide it may impede a school's ability to agree to defer admission.
You are required to complete an application for the normal point of entry at the same time, in case your request is declined. This application can be cancelled if the school agrees to accept your request for deferred entry into reception year the following year.
Deferred applications will be processed in the same way as all applications in the following admissions round, and offers will be made in accordance with each school's over subscription criteria.
For further advice please click here to access the DfE Summer Born Children - Starting School: Advice for Parents
In Year or Casual Applications
Applications made too late for the Kent co-ordinated system, In-year applications for year R and applications for entry to years 1-6 must be made on the IYCAF (In -Year and Casual application Form) available on school websites. The same policy and procedure (apart from the timetable) applies to these applications. This form must be sent to the school’s Admissions Officer with this supplementary information form.
For further information regarding in year admissions please visit:
You will also need to complete and forward to the school office the Supplementary Information Form which is available below.
Upon receiving a completed IYAF and Supplementary Information Form, we will endeavour to notify you of the outcome of your application within 15 school days.
For applications made in the normal admission round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals. For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 schools days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 schools days of the appeals being lodged.