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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’



A Love for God, ourselves and others

KCSP Statement of Curriculum Intent

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full

John 10: Chapter 10. V 10.


Inspired by Jesus Christ’s example and the Gospel values of love, joy and compassion, we nurture and develop the whole child so that each unique individual grows constantly in confidence, and has the knowledge, skills and self-esteem to achieve their true potential.


All children will access a rich, ambitious, challenging curriculum; one that is broad, balanced and relevant, fostering curiosity, creativity and a life-long love of learning.  It will prepare them well for each stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world.

St Peter’s Curriculum Intent


“Cultural literacy is important and if you don’t know the key facts for the society in which you live, you’re permanently disadvantaged for life.”- Sir Michael Barber


The term "cultural literacy" was used by Professor E. D Hirsch.  His work referred to having the ability to understand and participate fluently in a given culture, and for us that is our British culture. A culturally literate person knows the alphabet, grammar, and a good set of vocabulary, which they gain and develop over time. They are able to talk to and understand others of that culture with fluency. They also have the skills to talk to and understand other cultures. They can participate in their own culture especially in areas regarded as key cultural strongholds such as business, literature, art, education, history and religion. The culturally illiterate person fails to understand their own or other cultures, references to past events, expressions, names, places, etc. and therefore are disadvantaged.




With this in mind, the curriculum at our school has been specifically designed to develop and enhance the cultural literacy of all our learners so that they are prepared for the rest of their academic career and beyond. Through a broad and balanced curriculum, our learning is knowledge and skills based; building progressively as the children move through our school.


We teach each subject discretely and not ‘lost’ in part of a topic based approach although we look for cross curricular links wherever possible.


We want our engaging and exciting learning to take place both inside and outside the classroom and use as many opportunities as we can to take learning outside the school on trips and visits.


We use themed days and/or weeks to deepen our curriculum so that there is a shared experience and greater engagement from children, staff and parents.

If you require any more information about our curriculum content, please contact the office who will direct your enquiry to the relevant Curriculum Subject Lead.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025