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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 4

Week 6 - This week, we have had a busy end of term with Easter approaching us. In RE, we made stained glass windows to end our topic of Celebrating Mass. In History, we finished our totem poles. Check out some of our recycled animals we made out of plastic! In English, we finished our persuasive adverts. In Maths, we looked at fractions of amounts using our division knowledge. In Science, we finished our topic of animals including humans and completed an investigation on whether people who do more sports have stronger muscles. Our data showed yes. We had our Easter bonnet parade, and we finished Term 4 with our Easter Mass.

Week 4 & 5 - These last two weeks have been super busy. We have been looking at finding the difference in maths using FRED the frog on a number line. In English, we have finished our newspaper reports on plastic pollution and have started writing our persuasive adverts for Stroodles. Check them out on In Science, we have been looking at vertebrates and invertebrates and what the functions of muscles are in our bodies and created our own. In Food Tech, we have looked at the importance of food labels. This week, we also had a sponsored jump competition called 'Bouncing Bunnies.'

Week 3 - WOW what a busy week we have had! On Monday, we celebrated World Book Day. We took part in lots of activities about books and all were dressed up amazingly. In Maths, we have looked at place value and ordering numbers to support us with ordering money. In Art, we looked at the importance of kitchen safety and then made our own healthy savoury pizza and how we can make healthier alternative choices. On Science, we had Science Day with Tom Holloway. We created our own siesmometers and tested them by finding different ways of making vibrations. We also had a BIG QUESTION of - What factors affect reaction and tested out who had faster reaction times.

Week 2 - This week, we have been looking at place value and money. In English, we have started writing our newspaper reports about a mysterious creature that has washed up on the beach due to plastic pollution. In Science, we have looked at the human skeleton and created our own by using different shaped pasta. In Art, we practised our cutting skills and safely chopped up vegetables to then roast and taste them. In RE, we had a visit from CAFOD and looked at why the different catholic social teaching values are all important everyday.

Week 1 - As we started the time of Lent, we attended a Lenten Mass held by Father Arbo on Ash Wednesday. We continued with our topic of time in Maths and were looking at converting time into data by estimating time. In English, we were introduced to the non-fiction book 'A Planet Full of Plastic' by Neal Layton. We decided to go for a plastic search around our school area and disgustingly picked up 168 pieces of plastic!! In Art, we started food technology and created the eatwell guide with either chalk or materials. In Science, we linked into Art and created a plate of food for an animals diet using the eatwell guide to support us.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025