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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 2 Photo Gallery

Week beginning 7 December - This week we have made Christingles and taken part in a service. In English we have been writing diary entries for our naughty elf and in maths, telling the time. In art, we have created basic printing patterns and in Science, we investigated the building choices of the Three Little Pigs!

Week beginning 30 November - This week we have been writing diary entries about Old Bear in the attic. In maths, we have been working on number bonds to 10 and beginning to look at one more, one less up to 100. We have also been practising our nativity play and in Science, we have looked at different materials and their purposes. For example, what it would be like to live in a world, where everything was rigid!

Week beginning 23 November - This week, we acted out the story of 'Old Bear', as well as making story maps and thinking about Old Bear's feelings. In maths, we practised lots of addition and subtraction and in PE we practised our balancing skills. We finished off the week by decorating our classroom and having birthday celebrations!

Week beginning 16 November - This week in English, we have been working on writing our own adventures (involving Traction Man). In maths, we have been learning about money and in art, we practised basic warp and weft weaving. Finally, in Science, we had lots of fun exploring with magnets!

Week beginning 9 November - We have been learning about Remembrance Day this week, making a collage in art and writing a poem in English. We have also been studying 2D and 3D shapes in maths this week. We have been practising our balancing and jumping in PE and in Science, learning about everyday materials and which objects are made from them.

Week beginning 2 November - We have been learning about symmetry and shapes in maths. In English we have read 'Traction Man Is Here' by Mini Grey and learnt about speech and capital letters. We looked at Jewish artefacts at the beginning of the week in RE and also began to learn about Remembrance Day in History. Then ended the week by studying textiles in art.

Week beginning 14th December.  This week we played Victorian games on the playground and made our own Victorian toys.  We celebrated Christmas by eating our Christmas lunch together and watching Cinderella.  We have been learning to tell the time, and have learnt the days of the week and months of the year.
Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025