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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 4

Week 4 - This week, we made our own BALANCED DIET wraps that we created last week. They were delicious. In PE, we were creating different floor shapes using circles. In We went to a poetry workshop this week too, and also had a visit from family trust about the Easter story. We also went to the science photo competition.

Week 3 - This week, we started looking at multiplication and how we can used repeated addition too. In English, we finished our character descriptions. In Science, we had our KCSP Science Day. We had to look at what the best liquid was to stop apples going brown the quickest. In DT, we made created our own wraps to prepare for next week.

Week 2 - This week, in English we have started to write our character descriptions of the character character Rocket in our book. In Maths, we have continued with adding pence, pounds, and noted together. In RE, we went to Mass to help us learn the order ready for our learning this term. In Science, we worked scientifically to protect EGGbert. Only 2 of us manage to save him. In Food technology, we made some delicious bread AND had a tour around our school kitchen for health and safety. In History, we started looking and asking questions about Neil Armstrong, and why is there a flag on the moon?

Week 1 - This week, we have started to look at how to count and recognise money. In English, we have started reading our new book 'Look Up!' by Nathan Bryon and retold the story through role play. In science, we are working scientifically so we started off with creating boats to see who could make theirs float the longest. In Food Technology, we looked at the food guide and what foods should go where.

Term 2 Dates: 4th November 2024 to 20th December 2024