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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Parish School Connection

Fr Arbogast (Arbo) Lekule, was born on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. His priestly formation started with the society of the White Fathers (Missionaries of Africa) first in Tanzania, then Zambia, Nigeria, and concluded with his theology at the Missionary Institute London. He has been privileged to minister in Nigeria, Tanzania, England and recently in Florida USA. Since July 2021, he has been serving at St Anselm’s Church Tooting Bec until his current appointment to Sittingbourne. Post-ordination studies, include Masters in Science MSc at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) London. In 2006,  Fr Arbo and friends founded the charity You Touch Africa in memory of his mum. He enjoys cycling, swimming, nature walks, and celebrating with the Gunners!


Please click here to read the Church's newsletters



Mass Times


Saturday 5.00 pm - Simple Liturgy 
Sunday 9.30 am - Family Mass - Simple Liturgy 
Sunday 11.00 am - Solemn Liturgy



Monday - 10 am in Convent  (Eucharistic Service)
Tuesday - 6 pm in Church
Wednesday - 10 am in Church
Thursday - 10 am in Convent
Friday - 10 am in Church
Saturday - 10 am in Convent

Holy Days of Obligation:

10.00 am & 7.30 pm


4 pm - 4.45 pm in Church


Pen Pals in the Parish

"Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other."

John 4:11

Father Arbogast and I are always looking for ways to build upon the links between school and parish and are in need of your help with our latest plan!


We would love to reach out to members of the parish as pen pals! To start this off, we would like the children/families to write a generic letter with a little information about themselves and perhaps a couple questions for the recipient; these letters should be brought into school, to the main office or dropped off at church after mass.  We will place them in a basket at church and then invite parishioners to take one of the letters and respond to it.  They will place their responses in a box at church and then we will distribute them to the addressees at school.


Please use the following guidelines when writing:


  • The letter could be started with Dear Parishioner or Dear Pen Pal
  • Only use first names and ages or year groups in your letters.
  • Do not include full home addresses or telephone numbers
  • Only include drawn images rather than photographs


I would love to be able to give Father Arbo a good pile of letters/cards on Wednesday 15th March so I ask that if you would like to join in you send them in by Tuesday 14th March. 


If this little idea works well, I hope that after a couple of letters going both ways we can host an afternoon tea or similar for our new pen pals.


I am very hopeful about this project and look forward to hearing about the positive “friendships” that can be forged.

Congratulations to our First Holy Communicants

Year R and 6 Church Visit - 26.01.23

Harvest art work displayed at the church

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025