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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 2

Week 7 - What an amazing end to term 2! This week, we went to Woodstock Residential Home and sang carols to all the staff and residents there. We then enjoyed our Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day disco. On Thursday, we went to church and sang our carols to all the parents and to finish the week we sang it to all of KS1. All the staff hope all children and parents have a lovely Christmas.

Week 6 - This week, was the second week of Advent and we wrote all the staff Christmas cards to help spread the good news. In English, we wrote emotive letters to the Mayor of London from 1666 to persuade him to rebuild the houses better. In DT, we added some levers to our mechanisms. We created some lanterns ready for our carole concert at church next week. In History, we burnt the houses we created to help us understand just how quickly the fire spread in 1666.

Week 5 - This week, we started learning about the features of an emotive letter. In Science, we investigated which materials can bend, stretch, squash and twist. In computing, we looked at how important it is to ask questions and how the internet works when researching online. In History, we created our houses ready to set them on fire to help us understand how quick the fire spread. In RE, we lit our first advent candle in preparation.

Week 4 - This week, in English we finished our final draft of our diary entry. In Science, we compared man-made and natural materials. In DT, we started creating our mechanism for the Great Fire of London. In Computing, we have been creating our own spreadsheets to answer questons.

Week 3 - This week, in English we started writing out diary entry in our neatest handwriting. In maths, we have been looking at adding using dienes to work out how to add one more and ten more. In Science, we investigated how materials are waterproof. In History, we compared 1666 to now by looking at their homes, fire engines, cookers and lighting. In DT, we created our own jigsaw puzzles using finger joints and dovetail joints. In RE, we looked at the mystery of why Mary and Joseph were chosen by God. We looked at what kind of people they were that made them significant.

Week 2 - This week, in English we looked at the features of a diary entry to prepare for writing our own over the next couple of weeks. In Maths, we were looking at number fact families. In Science, we had to answer the big question on 'Are hard materials absorbent?'. In DT, we looked at the three types of joints; flange, finger and dovetail. In RE, we looked at the mystery of the Holy Trinity and how God is 3 persons in 1. We also had a visit from Father Arbo for our collective worship.

Week 1 - This week, Year 2 started learning about the Great Fire of London as part of our English and History this term. We put on our Virtual Reality helmets and went back to 1666 when the fire took place. In Maths, we have started looking at facts families for addition and subtraction. In History, we created a timeline for from 1600 to now and ordered the diary of Samuel Pepys. In Science, we tested the absorbency of paper as we introduced 'Everyday Materials.'

Term 1 Dates: 4th September 2024 to 25th October 2024