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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week Six

Exploring body percussion in music!

In French, we made Christmas cards!

Our bread after two weeks!

Carrying out our final checks of our moudly bread!

In RE, we were learning about the miracle of Incarnation. We re-visited our understanding of the Trinity and linked this to Incarnation. We needed to demonstrate our understanding of these concepts but we were allowed to choose how we do this. Some of us did drama, some of us wrote some raps and poetry, others created PowerPoints etc. We presented our understanding to the class.

In DT, we added our electrical components to our mythical beasts!

A lovely end-of-the-week, whole-school treat watching The Snowman in the hall drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows!

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025