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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week Two

We met our reception buddies this week! We read to them and we also helped take them into their first ever St. Peter's assembly!

We had music with Mrs Edmonds this week, where we began to familiarise ourselves with rhythm and different notations.

We have been navigating our new maths scheme this week and we have loved the opportunity to use counters and cubes to help us with our place value!

In Science this week, we learnt about the Circulatory System. We acted out the Circulatory System on the playground, passing around red and blue counters to represent blood. Then, we came in and made t-shirts to show what the Circulatory System looks like in our bodies.

Of course, the highlight of our week was watching Wicked in London!

Following our trip to see Wicked, we joined forces with Year 5 to do some story mapping and freeze framing in order to help us remember the story.

In art, we explored how colour represents mood. We assigned feelings to colours, mixed different shades and tints of those colours, and finally painted the Emerald City in either a positive or negative mood.

We are loving our story time book, Holes. We went to our 'Secret Garden' themed library today to enjoy our story time session.

In geography, we needed to find cities, countries and continents using coordinates. We used paper maps to initially find these locations and then plotted them on digimaps.

In PE, we played a game called Striker Ball. This game is excellent for improving balance, reflexes, strength and aim.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025