Home Page

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Vatican City (Year 5)

Welcome to Vatican City's Class Page!

A very warm welcome to Year 5 from the class team. Year 5 are taught by Ms West, who is supported by Mrs Edmonds, Mrs Streatfield, Mrs Lewis and Mrs Davis.  




In Year 5, we strive for children’s learning to be interesting and motivating.  We feel that children learn best when they are engaged and curious. In Year 5, our learning is explored in a creative way through literature and we use fiction, non-fiction and poetry to encourage the children to learn in an independent manner. We are confident that this will be a very successful year; full of accelerated learning, flourishing friendships and growth. We know you all will support your child in their learning and thank you in advance for this.


PE Arrangements

PE is taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so pupils will need to come to  school dressed in their PE clothes on these days.


If you have any questions, please email the school office and they will forward it on to us promptly.


We look forward to working with you and your child throughout the year - let the fun begin!


The Year 5 Team smiley

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025