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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Late/Absence Procedures



We welcome children in from 8.45 am.


School commences at 9.00 am with pupils expected to be in their classroom from 8.55 am.


Parents are advised not to send their children to school before 8.45 am when official supervision begins.


School Begins:               9.00 am


Lunch Break:

    Infants:                       12 noon

    Juniors:                       12.15 pm 


Afternoon Begins:         1.15 pm


School Ends:                   3.25 pm

If a child is absent from school then you must notify us, by telephone or email on the child’s first day of absence. A note should be sent upon the child’s return to school to confirm the reason for absence. If no reason for absence is received then an unauthorised absence will be recorded. Parents should note that in law, the school, not parents, are responsible for authorising absence. The school is only allowed to authorise an absence for clearly defined reasons i.e. ill health. A record of authorised and unauthorised absences accompanies the child’s annual report.


We ask that appointments with doctors, dentists, opticians, hospitals etc. are arranged, where possible, outside of the school day.


Staff spend considerable time planning assemblies and lessons and therefore, if children are late they often miss vital information. Punctuality is something that we encourage in school, as it will be important throughout their lives, both as children and adults. Please ensure your child is on time for school – they often feel embarrassed and upset if they arrive in the middle of a lesson or assembly. Any lateness will be recorded in the register and pupils who are frequently late, or absent, will be contacted by KCC Attendance Service.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025