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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 1

In RE, we learnt about the Ascension and went outside in the glorious sunshine to show what we think the Ascension would have looked like through the art form, tableaux.

In our first football lesson, we focussed on dribbling. We began by warming up and stretching. Then we dribbled and aimed to improve by either increasing our speed, trying to keep our heads up for longer or by avoiding defenders. Then - because we were so keen - Mrs Cooper let us dribble to the goal and try shooting!

In Science, we explored light. We had some prompt questions, a random selection of objects and time to explore to answer our questions.

In geography, we did some map work to mark where our three focus countries are in the world. Our focus countries are England, Spain and Peru. We will be comparing these three locations over the next few weeks.

In art, we began our unit all about drawing. We tested different pencil grades to see the effect of each and then we applied what we had learnt to drawing an image using a view finder.

In PE today, our skill was turning with the ball, especially when pressured by defenders. We started with a warm up that allowed us to practise our dribbling, us moving and have a go at our new skill. We then split into groups to lead our stretches, then we practiced our skill and then ended with a game that put all of our skills into play. Thank you to our lovely classmate for leading our cooldown too!

Term 1 Dates: 4th September 2024 to 25th October 2024