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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 5

Week 3 - This week, in Maths, we have been learning about centimetres and metres. We have been measuring length and height of objects. In English, we have been writing some amazing narratives about Jim and the Beanstalk. In computing, we have been learning the skills of copying and pasting on spreadsheets. In Geography, we have been using our findings from our walk to improve our local train station. In PE, we have been improving our throwing and catching skills and working on our coordination when using two balls at the same time.

Week 2 - This week, we went on a walk in our local area to see what transport we had and how we can improve it for everyone. In PE, we practised our jumping and landing skills. In Science, we looked around the school to find some microhabitats.

Week 1- Wow! What a great week back. This week, we were introduced to our new book 'Jim and the Beanstalk' by Raymond Briggs. We retold the story and acted out the main parts to prepare for our writing of a narrative. In Maths, we were doubling, halving and finding odd and even numbers. This term, in computing, we are creating different spreadsheets. In PE, we took part in gymnastics and learnt how to do a log roll, tuck roll, and a teddy bear roll. In Art, we practised different lines and shapes with different pencils. In RE, we are learning more about Eastertide and listened to the story of Jesus having breakfast with the disciples whilst freeze framing how Peter would have felt and why.
