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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 6

Week 3 - In Maths, we have been looking at the properties of shapes. In Science, we have investigated the importance of sun safety and have started an experiment on UV lights ready to reveal next week. In Music, we have been practicing our rhythm with musical instruments and pitch. In art this week, we created our own relief sculpture out of plaster of paris.

Canterbury Cathedral - Year 3 took the train to Canterbury and had a look around the cathedral to learn the importance of Thomas Becket. We loved every part. We got to also create our own badges, stained glass windows and explore some old traditions that monks did.

Week 1- This week, we have been looking at doubling, halving and multiplying numbers by grid method. We were using counters and dienes. In English, we have started to write a narrative about the book 'The Happy Prince' by Oliver Wilde. In Science, we have started to look at Light and learnt what a source of light is by using feeling bags and discussing why light is important. In History, we looked at the scaled timeline of Thomas Becket ready for our school trip next week! In computing, we have started to learn how to use microsoft powerpoint and how to format text into a slide.

Term 1 Dates: 4th September 2024 to 25th October 2024