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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Our Vision

St Peter’s Catholic Primary School is built on the foundations of Faith, Love and  Respect through which our children develop their love of God, themselves and others. Our vision is for all families and children to feel welcomed, loved and nurtured, whether they are Catholic, of other faiths or none. We desire to see happy, contented and confident children flourishing in an environment where everyone is valued and respected.


We aspire to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum creating culturally literate children. Our subject specific curriculum enables all children, irrespective of their starting points in life, to have the knowledge of key cultural events, people or places that are fundamental to British society. For example, we teach children about Shakespeare as well as key figures in history. With reading at the heart of all learning, St Peter's  inspires a love for listening to texts read out loud, an appreciation of literature and a love for books.  From the moment a child starts at St Peter's we build upon their journey to becoming a reader.


We celebrate achievement in every way and in non-academic subjects, as well as the core. Our inclusion team is established to support all children not just in academic areas; as such Emotional literacy, our Personal, social and health education and child counselling work together to develop the ‘whole child’.


Thank you for visiting St Peter’s Primary School’s website. We hope you can find all the information you need but if not then please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


Miss Vedamuttu


Term 4 Dates: Tuesday 27 February - Friday 4 April 2025 (MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY - INSET DAY)