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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 4

Week 6: The last week of term has been very busy. The class performed a very moving performance of the Stations of the Cross. We also finished of our cooking by presenting our oat cakes, to make them more appealing.

Week 5: We have been looking at how presentation of food can make it more appetising for us so, we have come up with presentation ideas to try next week while we are cooking. In history our beakers have dried so we have been able to write an exhibit text for them.

Week 4 : We have been busy in history this week as we whizzed through the Bronze Age and explored the inventions the Beaker people. We also made berry muffins in design technology, which tasted amazing!

Week 3: Just a few snippets of the fun and learning from this week including our science day and World Book Day.

Week2: We have had a very busy week, on Tuesday we made stew and so many of us enjoyed it, then on Wednesday we had a Visit from Dr Digby who took the children on an adventure through the Stone Age. Finally we rounded of the week with our class assembly showcasing our learning so far!

Week 1: This week we have been really busy looking at how we can vary our diets and what animals need in their diets as well. We also kicked of our learning of Stone Age to Iron by building our own timeline.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025