Home Page

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Homework & Important Links

Homework will be set through Seesaw and will go live on Fridays.

It should be completed by the following Wednesday in order for Miss Hammond to mark it.


Here at St Peter's we encourage a love for reading and ask that, at home, children in Year 2 read


Here at St Peter's we encourage a love for reading and ask that, at home, children in Year 6 read everyday and have the opportunity to read aloud at least once a week to an adult. Click here for Accelerated Reader. Please log all home reading on the Go Read! app. If there are 5 or more Go Read! submissions in one week for your child, their name will go in the Reading Raffle to be in with a chance of winning a prize!




We also ask the children to practise their spelling rule at home using the spellings given to them on Seesaw. Please encourage them to play games through this website. Click here for Spelling Frame.


Times Tables

Please use Times Table Rock Stars at home to practise Times Tables along with verbal rehearsal of Times Tables too. Click here for Times Table Rock Stars.


SATs Papers

Should you wish to do some additional SATs practise, please find some example papers. Click here for SATs Papers.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025