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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 3

We finished off the term by making dream catchers to take away our worries and bad dreams, linking with our topic of North America, as well as Mental Health Week 2022.

In Science, Year 3 have been completing STEM activities and have enjoyed creating and testing boats this week.

We enjoyed the NSPCC Number Day 2022!

Year 3 have enjoyed setting up our new fish tank this week, for the Fishkeeper Fry programme!

Year 3 worked on changing the end of our story 'How the Stars Fell into the Sky' this week, by writing their own laws in the clouds or the rainbows.

Year 3 have had a fun first week back and have been exploring their new topic of North America!

We have been looking at different structures this week in DT and experimenting with shapes to determine their strength.

Term 2 Dates: 4th November 2024 to 20th December 2024