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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 1 - Judaism

This week we are learning about one of the most important festivals in the Jewish year. This festival is called Passover.


Please look at the PowerPoint below to find out a little more about Passover and why it is so special to Jewish people.

Before Passover begins, there is a special service called a Seder. 


At the Seder meal there is a special Seder plate on the table. This plate contains special foods that remind the Jewish people about their past and they celebrate how the Israelite people were freed from slavery by Moses over 3000 years ago.



Can you find out about what food goes on the Seder plate?


Throughout your life, you will have many celebrations. Can you talk to your mum or dad about the things that you celebrate? Could you make a special celebration Seder plate of your own? What special food would you put on it?



You will need:

  • Large foil plate
  • 6 small foil pie cases
  • Permanent markers
  • Glue


  • Glue the 6 pie cases around the edge of the plate.
  • Using your permanent markers,  mark each pie case with the name of the item of food it should contain and if you have that item at home put it in the case.
  • Decorate the rest of the plate with patterns.


Get mum or dad to take a photo of your Seder plate and send it to me:



Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025