Week 6 - We have been potion creators this week. We used the slime of a frogs eye, the dust of crows feet, pure venom from a snake and aliens spit! Our reactions were amazing! We have been focussing on our times tables in maths using and making arrays. In Science, we have been looking at the life cycle of plants. In Art we have finished our final pieces inspired by Henri Rousseau and A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Week 5 - WOW what a week we've had! We have worked so hard in class and filled up lots of our class WOW jar (we only have three left to collect!) In English, we finished our final drafts and produced some amazing description of our elves. In Maths, we have been subtracting by counting on and adding several numbers together. In Science, we wanted to see whether temperature affects water transportation - see our reaction to see if it did... In RE, we looked at the Sacrament of Baptism and what happens. Some of us even kindly bought in our own baptismal candle from our baptisms and spoke about it to the class.
Week 4 - This week, we started to write our character descriptions to go on display at the end of term - hold on till next week to see how some of us did! In Maths, we have been using bead strings and counters to help with adding and subtracting. In Science, we looked at water transportation of plants and how water is transported through the stem to the leaves. In Art, we looked at tint and tone to help with our final piece. We also celebrated Harvest in our Harvest Mass and looked at how giving is an important part of being a Christian so we also gave each other a sweet and sticker in class.
Week 3 - This week, in maths we finished our Place Value topic with looking at place value in money. We used lots of money resources to help support our learning. In English, we have been preparing to write our Character Descriptions and have designed our own elves using expanded noun phrases to describe them. In Science, we started our In'cress'tigation to see whether cress will grow without one of the four important things a plant 'needs' - light, warmth, nutrients, water. In RE, we looked at the hierarchy of the church and had a friendly debate to see who is the most important. We then created our own church out of ourselves to symbolise how important WE are. In art, we looked at observational paintings and linked back to our colour wheels in order to make different tones and shades of colours.
Week 2 - This week in English, we read A Midsummer Night's Dream and sequenced the story in order to become familiar with the story as we realised Shakespeare loved to confuse his readers. We took part in a workshop which really helped with our learning too. In Maths, we were looking at adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers by using place value. In Science, we kicked off our learning of plants by looking at real plants and what parts they have. In RE, we started looking at Our Christian Family and who we consider to be our family. In Art, we made our own colour wheels.
Week 1 - FIRST WEEK BACK AS YEAR 3, and what a week it has been! In Lourdes class, we have been diving deep into our BIG QUESTION - What is Faith? You can see our ideas on our display board we completed. We also got straight back into learning and started our Maths topic of place value. We used lots of manipulatives to help aid our learning. In RE, this week we learnt about another faith - Hinduism - and drew mandalas outside with chalk. Aren't they beautiful? We also went outside to see if we could see God and noticed that God is actually everywhere, the trees, clouds, grass and in our hearts.
Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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