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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Topic Leaflets & Key Information

PE on Mondays and Fridays (Wear school kit: yellow t-shirt, blue shorts (or plain black tracksuit bottoms) and school fleece)

PE on Mondays and Fridays (Wear school kit: yellow t-shirt, blue shorts (or plain black tracksuit bottoms) and school fleece)

Cricket Workshops and Swimming on Mondays (Wear PE kit to school for our cricket sessions and  bring in your swimming kit in a bag ready for the afternoon. You will need a swimming costume/swimming trunks and a towel. You may bring goggles and/or swimming cap if needed. No earrings.)

PE on Fridays

As Galilee Class were lucky enough to have extra PE last term with cricket sessions as well as their swimming lessons, we will only be having one PE lesson a week this term. This will be on a Friday afternoon. The Real PE unit we will be working on is ‘Health & Fitness’, which has some really fun games for us to play as well as some tricky skills for us to practise. Remember that PE encompasses any and all physical activity, so if we go on a school trip and do lots of walking or have a physical workshop like dance or yoga, it will take the place of that week’s PE lesson. As always, we have the children’s mental well-being at the forefront of our minds, particularly as SATs revision begins, so if we can squeeze in additional PE (particularly as the weather brightens) we will do our best to facilitate this.

PE on Mondays and Fridays (Please wear appropriate kit: yellow PE top with blue PE shorts or plain black/grey tracksuit bottoms.

PE will be Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays, some of the children will be heading to Swallows in order to attend their swimming “top-up” sessions (you will have been sent information about this). Please ensure your child has their swimming kit for these sessions.Those who remain at school will be doing gymnastics lessons with Mrs Hyams. We will then spend our Friday PE slot rehearsing our dances for the end-of-year production or playing rounders to prepare for our students vs. parent match at the end of the term!

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025