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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week Four

To continue our World Book Day celebrations, we took part in an online poetry workshop!

Here we are enjoying some composition in our music lesson this week!

In science, we used our knowledge of forces to protect an egg when falling from a height. Not a single egg cracked!

We had a workshop with Chartwell’s this week, learning all about sugar and healthy substitutions. We tasted some low-sugar alternatives to jelly and chocolate brownies.

Rock Steady Workshop! We watched a brilliant assembly with James from Rock Steady music and we stayed for a workshop where he put together a band of pupils to play We Will Rock You. It was very cool!

We created some beautiful artwork to represent the Crucifixion during RE this week.

Term 2 Dates: 4th November 2024 to 20th December 2024