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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 4 - Little Red Riding Hood

This week's work will be based on Little Red Riding Hood’.


Phonics: Please keep practising your new Set 2 phonics every day - 10 or 15 minutes is all you need to do. Only focus on one sound until you are sure of it. Play games linked to the sound and see can you identify it in words, e.g. ‘igh’ – high, night, light, fright, bright, sight, might, sigh – can you sound out words with the new sound in it?


Once you are confident, move on to a new sound, but keep practising the sounds you have learnt – and also do a quick recall of the Set 1 sounds. Remember, you will find RWI lessons for Set 1 and 2 on the ‘Ruth Miskin YouTube channel’, the link can be found in the Phonics folder.


The Phonics Comics are also available for you to read and are linked to the Set 1 and 2 RWI Sounds – if you haven’t, choose one and have a read. There are also some Read and Race games linked to different Set 1 and 2 sounds.


Reading: It is important that you continue to read as much as possible. Try reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ every day with your mum or dad...or brother or sister so you know the story really well. Remember, in the Phonics folder there are comics linked to all the sounds that you have learnt, and for the new RWI Set 2 sounds. Try these and they will help your reading.


Drama: Could you act out the story using the role play masks? Could you retell the story to your teddies?


Writing: Can you use descriptive words to describe the characters or items in the story? For example, ‘The wolf has sharp teeth’ or ‘Grandma has big eyes!’ Could you make a ‘Wanted’ poster for the big, bad wolf? Could you write a thank you note to the woodcutter who saved Little Red Riding Hood? How was Little Red Riding Hood feeling at different points in the story? Use the thought bubbles to write down her thoughts. Get mummy or daddy to take a photo of your writing and send it to me or put it on EExAT. The Oak National Academy tab also has English lessons linked to the story.


Maths: Keep working on your mental maths skills. How is your counting to 20? Can you count down from 20 to 0? If you need to, use a number line to help.


Get mum or dad to hide numbers all around the house. Go on a number hunt and find as many as you can. When you do find all the numbers, can you show each number using different items? For example - 3 teddies, 7 clothes pegs, 16 grapes, 9 spoons etc. Put the correct number beside the items.


Do you have lots of similar coloured items at home? Could you create a simple data chart like this?




If you don’t have cars the same colour, the items on your chart could all be different. For example, you could have 7 oranges, 8 green Lego bricks, 2 bananas, 5 purple hair clips, 11 blue colouring pencils – can you write the number you have on a piece of paper at the end of the line of items to show how many there are?


Are you able to get items from around the house and look at their sizes? Can you order them from smallest to biggest? Lightest to heaviest?


There are lots of maths resources in the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ folder and links to Maths ‘Measures’ lessons on The Oak National Academy website. Please, get mum or dad to email me photos of you working ( or upload them to EExAT. 


Understanding The World: Design a new cape for Little Red Riding Hood to keep her dry in the rain. Grandma wants an ice lolly but they’ll melt on the way – how could you keep them cold?


Expressive Arts and Design: Build a Lego Little Red Riding Hood maze. Could you use leaves, twigs, bark, sticks and the cut out characters to make your own path to grandma’s cottage?




Music: Try singing some of the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ songs with mummy or daddy.


Parents, I have been so impressed with the work that your children have been doing! Thank you. Many of you are combining your work commitments with home learning, not an easy task I know. Remember, just do what you can though if possible, please try to do at least 15 minutes every day on each of these key areas, plus lots of independent and creative play:


- Phonics 

- Reading 

- Writing

- Maths


Good luck! yes


Mr T smiley

Week 4...

Still image for this video

Winter Garden Activities

If you can, wrap up warm and get outside for some Winter fun! smiley

Ice Sun Catchers

This is such a simple activity! Have your child collect a few interesting nature finds (you could work to identify them before using them) and place them in a container. Think tupperware boxes, baking tins and bowls. Fill with water and add a loop of wool, string or twine, with the ends dipped into the water. Either leave outdoors to freeze overnight (it should be cold enough) or place in the freezer. In the morning hang them on your trees and bushes and observe how beautiful they look catching the winter sun!


Freezing Bubbles

During these frosty, icy mornings, get outside in your gardens and make the most of it! Take your bubble mixture outdoors (you can make your own using water and washing up liquid) and blow your bubbles into the freezing cold air. If it’s cold enough they might freeze before they land, meaning they don’t pop on the ground and instead make a perfect ice sculpture for you to observe! If it’s not quite cold enough but it is frosty, gently blow your bubbles directly onto a smooth surface, given a minute or so they will begin to freeze!


Bird Garland

The birds need our help at this time of year as food is scarce. If you’ve exhausted making bird feeders, try making a garland instead! All you’ll need is a needle, thread and some fruit. Simply use the needle and thread (with adult supervision) to string the fruit up, hang on some bushes and trees by your window. Then hurry back inside, wait and watch as they birds descend for a fruity feast! A great activity to test your bird identification skills too!


Have fun and enjoy. smiley

Hungry Wolf

Little Girl in your Red Hood

Little Red is Very Good

Mind the Wolf

This Bad Wolf

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025