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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 1

Week 6 - In Maths, we have started to understand more about different ways to partition our tens and ones and begin to place them on number lines. In science, we looked at what makes a healthy plant and unhealthy plant and categorised them. In geography, we looked at the Savannah and went on a safari to see what is the best kind of transport to travel through. In RE, we looked at the significance of Daniel and what we can learn from him.

Week 5 - This week, we started writing our persuasive leaflets to visit Oz. We looked at imperative verbs and used our bossy voices, In Maths, we have been partitioning tens and ones. In Science, we looked at the the life cycle of a flower. In Art, we started added texture to our paintings by adding sand. In geography, we looked at the importance of protecting the gorillas in Nigeria and adopted one to help protect them. In computing, we added pictures to a document and worked out how to change them.

Week 4 - This week, we have been writing numbers to 100 and using our place value knowledge to help us identify tens and ones. In English, we have been looking at leaflets and what are the important features included ready to persuade people to visit The World of Oz. In Art, we have started to paint our Yellow Brick Road scene and using texture in our painting. In Geography, we took a compared a bus journey in our local community and Lagos. In RE, we looked at how the story of Abraham is important and how we can learn from him. In Computing, we looked at how to use the keyboard and mouse and change the font and colour of our writing. In PE, we worked in pairs to throw balls and communicate to support our partners in catching them when bouncing off a wall.

Week 3 - This week, we have been looking at place value using our dienes to make tens and ones. This has then linked on using place value charts and making sure we have our numbers in the right columns. In English, we have been writing our setting description of the yellow brick road. Have a look at some of our amazing pieces of writing, In Science, we investigated what is inside a seed. In PE, we practiced our social skills again by throwing and catching balls in pairs and groups. In geography, we looked closely at Nigeria on the map and looked to see if we could identify different ways of transport. We also elected our class Councillors for the year!

Week 2 - This week, we started our English book of 'The Wizard of Oz'. We went to a workshop to help us really learn and be part of the story and this helped us retell the story and begin to think of adjectives to help with our setting description next week. In Maths, we looked at counting to 20 and tens and ones. In Science, we began looking at parts of a plant and what a plant needs to grow. We have started an in'cress'tigation. In Geography, we looked at how we can get to Nigeria and some facts about the country.

Week 1 - This week, we did lots of learning about our class' Catholic Social Teaching - Common Good. We made our own acrostic poems about peace and respect. We discussed how we can help protect the world and started our Art for the term and created our own colour wheels to see how we mix and match colours.

Our first day in Year 2! We discussed our class name 'Nazareth' and how Jesus teaches us three lessons - silence, work and life. We painted some pictures of what we think of when we think of these lessons. This afternoon, we did a fun science experiment to see how many drops of water fit on a 2p coin. Would you believe our record was 110?!

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025