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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 1 - The Gingerbread Man

The first week's learning will be based on 'The Gingerbread Man'. Please find below, lots of resources and ideas for work - parents, please do only what you and your child can manage - more resources = more choice but please don't feel you have to do it all! There should be enough choice for children, with the support of their parents, to be able to access work each day. The Oak National Academy website also has 'Gingerbread Man' English lessons available which you may find useful.


Phonics: Please keep practising your Set 1 phonics every day - 10 or 15 minutes is all you need to do. The new Set 2 sounds that we were going to start next week, can be found on the PowerPoint below. Can you sound out any of the characters or animals from The Gingerbread Man? Remember to watch the 'RWI Pure Sounds' video if you are unsure of any of the sounds - As we won't be able to change reading books until you are back in school, I've added some Phonics Comics below linked to the Set 1 RWI Sounds. 


Tricky words: Please keep practising the Set 1 Red Tricky words from last term and have a go at the new Set 2 Tricky words. The Red words are in the PowerPoint below.


Reading: It is important that you continue to read every day. Last term, you were all doing really well with your reading - please keep it up by reading to your mum or dad or another member of your family. Why not WhatsApp nan, granddad or another family member and read to them? If you do, send me a photo at or upload to EExAT. See the Phonics Comics below which you can also use to help with your reading. smiley


I would love it if you could all try to send me a funny picture of you reading in an unusual place. You could be in the garden, upside down on the sofa, in the bath (clothes on and no water!! smiley) sitting in the sink, hiding in your wardrobe, under the table - wherever you are make sure that you are enjoying reading a book! 


Try reading 'The Gingerbread Man' every day with your mum or dad...or brother or sister so you know the story really well.


Role Play: Could you dress up as any of the characters and act out the story? Or could you retell the story to your teddies? Would you be able to make a puppet of the Gingerbread Man and retell the story to your mum or dad?


Writing: Can you write a simple sentence about the Gingerbread Man? Can you use your sounding out skills? Are you able to imagine how the different characters were feeling - could you write a simple sentence as one of those characters? Get mummy or daddy to take a photo of it and send it to me or upload it on EExAT.


Maths: How many Christmas cards do you have at home? Estimate how many and then count them, using 1 to 1 touch counting. How could you sort your cards? For example, cards with similar colours, those with writing on them, cards with the same decide. How many of each group do you have? Can you write the numbers down?


Using old wrapping paper from your Christmas presents…count the snowmen, trees, reindeer, bunches of holly etc - is there also a repeating pattern?


Do you have any 3D boxes left from your presents? Look at the box, what is the shape of its faces? How many corners does it have? Can you find any edges? How many are there? Using one of your old boxes, could you decorate it to say thank you to the brilliant NHS doctors and nurses, the fantastic shop key workers, the non-stop delivery drivers and all those people who have worked so hard over Christmas? How could you wrap it? What shapes will you need to cover the box? 


Using old wrapping paper as inspiration, can you create spring wrapping paper with repeated patterns? Remember to keep practising counting and writing your numbers to 10, maybe even to 20. Count out a group of your toys - remember to touch count and don't go too fast! smiley How many do you have? Add a toy, how many do you have now? Can you take some away? How many do you have left? Can you write the number down? Get mums and dads to email me a photo of you working ( or upload it to EExAT.


Science / Understanding the World: Have a go at one of the Gingerbread Man science experiments that I have put up or try one of your own - you might need an adult to help you.


Art & Design: Can you design your own Gingerbread Man?


Lucky Dip: Surprise me! Send me a photo ( or video of you learning to do something that I wouldn't expect!


Parents, if your child wants more to do (smiley), you will find lots of activities below linked to 'The Gingerbread Man'. Although I've provided lots of resources and choice, the main thing is that children do at least 15 minutes every day on each of these key areas, plus lots of independent and creative play:


- Phonics 

- Reading 

- Writing

- Maths


Good luck! smiley


Mr T yes

The Gingerbread Man

Still image for this video


Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025