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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’





All home work will be set at the end of the week using the Seesaw app and children will have their individual logins for this; please let us know if you would like support in setting this up.  Sharing a book is a special time for parents and children, please snuggle up and hear your child read their instructional book every day for a few minutes. Maybe your child could also read a book to their siblings, their grandparents, or even their pets!



Sharing a book is a special time for parents and children, please snuggle up and hear your child read their instructional book every day for a few minutes.  Also, please remember to participate in Buster's Book Club every Wednesday evening.  Children should bring in their signed book mark on Thursday mornings.  In addition to this, children can complete their instructional book reading by clicking the following link: Click here for Accelerated Reader.



We also ask the children to practise their spelling rule at home using the spellings given to them through SpellingFrame. Please encourage them to play games through this website. Click here for Spelling Frame.


Times Tables

Please use Times Table Rock Stars at home to practise Times Tables along with verbal rehearsal of Times Tables too. Click here for Times Table Rock Stars.

Term 2 Dates: 4th November 2024 to 20th December 2024