Home Page

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Rome (Year 4)




Dear Families,

 This is the class page for Year 4, Rome class, where you will fine useful information relating to your child's class this year. Each term we will add a termly leaflet, which you are encouraged to read as it details the learning and events for the coming term. 


Please keep up to date with weekly information by checking in on the Seesaw app. Here you will find details of weekly and termly homework tasks, notices, work to praise and share, requests for things in school and many more important notices. Please do ask for a reminder of your log-in details if you need it. 


As mentioned in the leaflet, times tables knowledge will be a big feature this year, and is is essential your child has time each week to practice on the TTRS app, as well as reciting the tables to 12x12 verbally. It is expected that all tables will be learnt fluently before the summer term. Do let us know if you need a reminder of the TTRS log-in.


There is also a 'homework menu' which you can find in the link for this term, as well as on Seesaw. If you need any materials, advice or help with any of the tasks, do let us know. 


Please ensure your child is reading for a minimum of 20 mins a day to an adult. This then must be logged on the Boom Reader app. Logging the reading digitally not only helps school and families track progress and engagement  but also helps our class in the weekly competition! Each week a class will receive a special treat such as a drink and biscuit with a story, if they have shown progress or engagement, which has been logged on the app. So, please do not forget if possible. Please ask if you need reminding of the log-in details for the Boom reader app. 


We look forward to a successful and happy year together,

Mrs Capon, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Richards and Miss Cleveland



Term 2 Dates: 4th November 2024 to 20th December 2024