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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week Three

14.11.2022 - History! Today we were Anglo-Saxons "spying" on the Vikings that have just come ashore. We went hunting for sightings of their ships and drew our own diagrams to take back to our villagers.

17.11.2022 - Music! Today we continued to embed our understanding of pulse and metre. We passed bean bags in time with the pulse, which started easy but became quite tricky!

17.11.2022 - Anti-Bullying Week 2022! Today we discussed bullying and how we can 'reach out' to help those around us when we think we are witnessing bullying. We decorated hands and wrote on them how we can reach out to help others. Notice how each hand is different but when they are all together, they create something special.

18.11.2022 - Our fantastic trip! Today we went to Margate Train Station to learn all about rail safety. We played lots of games, watched some really informative films, held parts of a train and went on a 'platform walk' to see what is around to keep us safe.

Term 1 Dates: 4th September 2024 to 25th October 2024