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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week Four

23.11.2022 - Micro-organisms! Today we set up our new science investigation. The scientists at NewBioTech have asked schools to find the best conditions in which to grow mould. Each group has two pieces of bread and we are only allowed to change one variable e.g. one in a dark place, one in a light place. Our pieces of bread are now all set up in their locations and we will monitor them closely over the next two weeks to see how well the mould grows.

24.11.2022 - Making Housing in DT! Today in DT, we were faced with some real challenges: we had to draw and measure our own nets, cut them out precisely and assemble them. To top it off, we could only use the one piece of card we were given! We all ended the lesson with some housing, which we will be adding mechanisms to in the coming weeks.

24.11.2022 - Today in music we did an activity called 'Mixed-Up Rhymes'. This was to help further enhance our understanding of rhythm. We had un-tuned percussion instruments and performed the rhythms to well-known nursery rhymes where the order had been changed. We had to guess each others' nursery rhymes to see if we played the rhythms accurately!

28.11.2022 - Today we played River Crossing in PE with Miss Vedamuttu. We took all of the skills and tactics we learnt last time and tried to apply them once again to this game. Next week, we'll see how our skills apply to a new game!

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025