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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


St Oscar Romero (Year 4)

Miss Capon is the class teacher of Saint Oscar Romero Class on their learning journey across the year assisted by Mrs Jennings and Mrs Hyams.


In Year 4 we explore the curriculum through a varied assortment of historical time periods, engaging written works, films, and scientific enquiries, which aim to create engaging lessons, promote creative thinking and encourage learning curiosity. Each termly topic revolves around two types of literary text that pave the foundation of learning, and subsequently weave into other areas of the curriculum - for example History, Art, Mathematics or ICT. 


In Year 4 we place real emphasis on freedom of expression, and aim to best equip children with the skills they require to be able to best communicate their thoughts, expressions, feelings and academic curiosities.


The children will be set Spelling Frames and TT Rockstars homework on a weekly basis, based on the spelling patterns and times tables they have been learning that week (Children are welcome to attend Homework Club, or ask any Year 4 member of staff for help, should any complications arise). At home, children in Year 4 are expected to read everyday for at least 20 minutes and should read aloud to an adult at least once a week. These small periods of sustained practise will have plentiful benefits for your child in the classroom and into the future, through promoting positive attitudes towards mathematics and a love of reading.


If you have any questions or queries at any point throughout the year, please contact any member of the Year 4 Team - we are more than happy to help! 

Key Information


PE Arrangements 


PE lessons will take place on a Wednesday and Thursday Due to the nature of the world at the moment, and to avoid a congestion of personal items in the classroom, children must come into school on Wednesday wearing their PE clothes.




Homework will be set on a Thursday via the SeeSaw learning platform (access codes were provided at the beginning of the year - please contact us if you need another code). SeeSaw can be accessed via computer, tablet and mobile phone.


Homework will always consist of at least Spellings and Times Tables - operated on the Spelling Frame and Purple Mash / TT Rockstars websites (again, access codes were provided at the beginning of the year - please contact us if you need another code). In addition, the children may also be set homework to tie in with their class learning, this could be anything from a Geography project to an online Maths worksheet.


If you need to contact us with regard to Homework, please contact us on the class email:

Home Learning Resources

If you require assistance with Home Learning, or cannot access SeeSaw, please contact us via:



Termly Topic Leaflets

Term 2 Dates: 4th November 2024 to 20th December 2024