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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week Seven

In our first geography lesson this week, we carried out some research about tourism in Spain. We presented our findings on beautiful posters.

Investigating squared numbers and cubed numbers using manipulatives to help us.

In Science, we worked in groups and were assigned a nutrient to study and research. We used this information and taught the class about these nutrients by presenting our findings to the class.

In RE, we acted out some Bible passages that showed examples of Jesus' compassion. We then did some painting to represent compassion. Our paintings were all so wonderfully different from each other, so it was really interesting to see how each of the children imagine compassion.

In our second geography lesson, we looked at the positive and negative impacts of tourism in Spain. We had a horseshoe debate to share our thoughts and opinions on this.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025