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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Nazareth (Year 2)

St Faustina Kawalska (Year 2)


Your class teachers is Miss Hammond.  Mrs Davis, Mrs Lloyd and Miss Wood are the assistants who will support you in your learning. Our topics have been carefully selected to ensure a fun and engaging curriculum that will help you flourish. We are very excited to be teaching in Year 2 this year and we hope that you will be excited by the books we have chosen and are enthusiastic to try different ways to extend your understanding and demonstrate your knowledge. 





All home work will be set using the Seesaw app and children will have their individual logins for this; please let us know if you would like support in setting this up.  Sharing a book is a special time for parents and children, please snuggle up and hear your child read their instructional book every day for a few minutes. You are also welcome to share the second reading book with your child , or a book from home, at any other time . Maybe your child could also read a book to their siblings, their grandparents, their teddies or even the dog!




We will have PE lessons on Thursday and Friday, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on these days and , as PE may be outside, dress warmly!



Mastering number information.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025