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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Term 2

Week 6 - This week, we have been looking at addition in Maths and how we add 1 and 10 to 3 digit numbers on number lines. In English, we have been finishing our non-chronological reports and we had a special visit from 'Wizard Stories' which we loved and laughed the whole time. In Science, we uncovered our fossils. In DT, we finished our Mechanical Christmas Cards. In PE, we were practising our reaction skills and co-ordination.

Week 5 - This week, we have worked really hard in class. We earned 3 of our class WOW's and only have one more to reach in order to get a class gift at the end of term. In Maths, we have been looking at perimeter and measuring 2D shapes and numicon, In English, we have been looking at non-chronological reports and writing them ready to show next week.

Week 4 - This week, in Maths we were looking at millilitres and litres. We were converting and measuring containers capacity and volume. In English, we were looking at non-chronological reports and their features as well as why we have headings and sub-headings. In DT, we started designing our 3D mechanism christmas card. In Science, we were experiments the hardness, permeability and acidity of rocks. We found that chalk is really acidic. In PE, we were being creative and creating sequences with balls.

Week 3 - This week, we finished our diary entries for A Stone Age Boy. We will post some pictures next week to show of our writing. In Maths, we have been looking at weights of kg and g. In Science, we looked at the different types of rocks -metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous - and made them out of starburst! In DT, we were looking at wheels and axles and investigated how to make the most effective one by creating them ourselves.

Week 2 - This week, in English we re-enacted the story of Stone Age boy and started to write out diary entries in the point of view of the boy. In Maths, we have been continuing with looking at measurements. In DT, we looked at pivots and levers and created our own remembrance soldiers using these mechanisms. In History, we created our own timelines to look at the different parts of stone age, bronze age and iron age all the way to the present day. We attended a Remembrance assembly and created our own wreath by painting on stones.

8.11.22 - Trip to the Beach. As part of Science, we are learning all about rocks. What a better place to look at the vast variety we went to the beach. We found loads - including metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous!

Week1 - WELCOME back to term 2. This week, we started learning about measurements and converting cm-m and cm-mm. We did a monster measurement hunt around the hall. In English, we have started reading Stone Age Boy which links with our Science and History topic. In Science, we started our rocks topic and were geologists. We also went to the Appleyard and sang to the Over 55s and the children were BRILLIANT. They even asked for an encore and everyone is so proud of all the children.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025