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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 2

Setting Descriptions

We used all our senses learning over the week to complete a setting description from our class book - Traction Man is Here! 

We will remember them...

Bethlehem class placed their beautiful poppies in the spiritual garden. They took the opportunity to reflect and say a prayer for all the soldiers. We marked the two-minute silence in class and made a class wreath for our whole school Remembrance Day collective worship.

Literacy - The great salt or sugar mystery!

In preparation for writing a setting description, we explored our five senses and how they can help us identify and describe the world around us. 


We worked together to solve the missing label problem. Using ALL five of our senses we worked out which jar contained sugar and which contained salt. We also recognised which of our senses would be most effective in helping us to solve this mystery!

During this week's History lesson, we made tissue paper poppies to commemorate Remembrance Day. We learnt about why we use a poppy to remember this day and discussed how brave our soldiers must have been.

We have been working on missing number problems and finding one more and one less than a given number. We used some slithery snakes to help us work out some missing numbers.


We have been using our five senses to describe the setting of our class book 'Traction Man is here.' We identified each of the senses and which sense organ they relate to.

We have been learning about Mary, our mother, during RE this week. We discussed the angel Gabriel's visit to Mary and how she trusted in and had faith in God. We created our very own angels and held a service to give thanks to Mary for agreeing to become the mother of Jesus and all of us.

Our 'giving thanks' service to Mary, our Mother

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Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025