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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 6

Bethlehem class finished their science topic off with investigating poo! They had to examine the poo and predict which type of animal it belonged to - herbivore, carnivore or omnivore? Children made predictions based on what they thought they would find in the poo of each type of animal. They did really predicting that carnivore poo would contain small bones or pieces of meat, herbivore poo would contain grass, seeds and leaves and omnivore poo would contain all of the above. We had lots of disgusting fun smiley

Bethlehem class made their very own Australian landmark, using paper plates, card and pastels. Can you guess what it is?

In recognition of Children's Mental Health Week 2023, year 1 took part in a workshop with a fully qualified yoga instructor. They found it very calming and relaxing, it was thoroughly enjoyed!

To finish off our cross curriculum theme of 'Australia', Bethlehem class had their very own Australia Day! We interviewed an Australian from his home in Sydney, we had a didgeridoo lesson, designed our own boomerangs, made flags and even had a barbecue to compare the weather in -5 February Sittingbourne in contrast to 29C Sydney! The children have loved learning about Australia and had a fantastic day celebrating all their hard work this term, very proud teacher here! smiley

Barbecue time!

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We enjoyed a lovely barbecue in the English sun to celebrate the end of our Australia day! We had a great day!

Didgeridoo lesson

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Australian interview

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Term 4 Dates: Tuesday 27 February - Friday 4 April 2025 (MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY - INSET DAY)