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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

‘A love for God, ourselves and others’


Week 5

We really enjoyed watching M & M’s production of The Jungle Book this week! We even got to take part in a workshop afterwards where we learnt all about putting on a show.

Black History Month has started brilliantly with a fantastic workshop on African drumming! We had a brilliant time learning three different rhythms on the drums!

In science, we made blood smoothies! We used orange water, raspberries, sprinkles and mini marshmallows to represent the different components of the blood!

In PE this week, we practised out shooting. We learnt the correct stance and did a couple of drills to help improve our accuracy. Finally, we applied what we had learnt to a game.

In art, we explored a range of tools to see the different effects they create. We produced some really beautiful backgrounds by doing this!

We did an art/computing lesson today where we created compositions out of existing art works. We chose to use warm or cool colours for our compositions and thought carefully about how we would arrange these pictures.

In RE, we did some drama to show our commitment to the Kingdom of God.

Term 3 Dates: Monday 6 January - Friday 14 February 2025