The expectation is that children complete homework regularly. Each week across KS2, children are expected to complete a maths and English task in addition to daily reading.
Weekly Maths
In Year 4, children should complete a MINIMUM of 35 minutes each week on TTRS. This term, children should be practicing 'Garage'. Children should also begin to complete Soundchecks based on the Year 4 MTC check which all children will take in June. I cannot express enough the importance of daily exposure to times tables and completing regular soundchecks which help children work towards a timer, similar to the real assessment in June. Becoming fluent in times tables is a core part of the Year 4 curriculum and all other areas of maths will be more challenging if children are not competent. The school monitors TTRS daily, and children are rewarded for their efforts.
English Tasks
Children are expected to complete a short English task each week which should be completed at home. These tasks are based on SPaG the children will have covered in class and have been chosen to align with their learning in school. The answers are also provided so you can check and mark your child's work or they can self-mark. These tasks do not need to be brought into school but we do strongly encourage that are completed.
Term 4 Creative Homework Task
These can be completed over half term, ready to bring into school week 1, or you can complete it at any time over the term. It is optional but we would love you to share your creations and bring them into class too!
Term 4 English Homework
Below is a week-by-week breakdown of Term 4 homework. There are also some optional creative tasks that you might want to get your teeth into over half-term. You are welcome to bring your shields or instruments into school at any point over the term.